– This event represents a new chapter in the history of american football in Europe, represents the future of this sport. At the same time, the Championship is a great recognition to our Association and confirmation of the rapid progress of american football in our country – said Rade Rakočević, Chairman of the Serbian Association of American Football, on the occasion of the beginning of the Flag Football U15 European Championship.
Matches between The Netherlands and Serbia and Italy and Slovenia will open the competition on Saturday 6th August at the 8.00 a.m. Apart from these countries, Czech Republic, Romania and Spain will compete for the title of Euroepan champion.
Competition is organized by the Serbian Association of American Football (SAAF), in cooperation with the European branch of the International Federation of American Football – IFAF Europe. It is the second time that a European tournament is hosted in Serbia, after Final Four IFAF Europe Champions League last summer.
Rade Rakočević, Chairman of SAAF, welcomed sports friends from Europe, stressing that it is pleasure for Serbia to host the first European Championships in this category. He also expressed confidence that the championship will increase the number of boys and girls, who will begin to practice american football, both in flag or tackle version.
– Also, I hope the tournament will go fine and will set up sports and organizational standards for the future competition – said Chairmen of the SAAF, adding at the end:
– I wish Serbian team to give their best and win the first international medal for Serbia.
Mikael Roos of the IFAF Europe Flag and Beach Flag Competitions Committee is looking forward to the first IFAF Europe Flag Football U15 European Championships.
– I’m looking forward to the first Flag Football U15 European Championships as we will meet the future of European flag football for many years, already now. It’s especially fun to see new countries entering a European Championship for the first time, as neither hosting Serbia or Romania participated before. This tournament will give us a great meet with the future of flag football for the next 10 years. I’d like to thank the Serbian Association of American Football for hosting this tournament, and after a final inspection of the facilities, I’m very sure that young players will enjoy very much – said Mikael Roos.
All matches will be played on two courts of Stadium FC BASK in Belgrade and thanks to internet portal Sportuzivo.rs with support of Serbian Association of American Football, all games, both on Saturday and Sunday, will be aired live on the Internet on the following links: